
To fulfill the planning on the execution of campus bully prevention methods, the Ministry of Education issues questionnaire towards the fifth to ninth graders in Taiwan in order to understand whether they had been bullied before. Some parents pointed out teachers would teach the students not to write what actually take place so that the school authorities will not get into trouble. Responding to this, the Ministry of Education will send official declaration to the local governments, asking them to monitor the school authorities, which should in turn encourage their students to write truthfully in their questionnaire.

2. 教育部與3所世界頂尖大學合作的獎學金簡章出爐,包括:「臺灣‧劍橋獎學金」、「臺灣‧聖路易市華盛頓大學獎學金」及「臺灣‧南加州大學獎學金」簡章。這三校各有5名博士班新生獎學金,獎助期限3到4年,有意申請者可以擇一申請,詳情可以上網查詢。

The Ministry of Education has jointly delivered scholarship opportunities with three prestigious universities in the world. These universities are the University of Cambridge, the Washington University in St. Louis, and the University of Southern California. There are 5 PhD degree program scholarship opportunities for each of the above-mentioned schools respectively. The time span of the scholarship offered is good from three to four years. Those who are interested can choose one of them to apply. Details can be found at the Ministry of Education’s website.

3. 為了落實全民環境教育,環保署研擬「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」草案,環保署歡迎社會各界提供意見。初步規劃獎勵項目共有像是學校及個人等6項,希望藉由獎勵對象增加,使不同的群體可以一同推動環境教育。

To solidify the environmental education in Taiwan, the Executive Yuan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has made a draft regarding a prize award scheme related to the environmental education. The EPA welcomes suggestions from all walks of life. The preliminary planning of the reward is to categorize the award-winning parties into six categories such as the school and the individual. It is hoped through the increment of participants, different groups of people can all promote the environmental education.

4. 廣東佛山女童小悅悅被撞,18個人經過無人伸援手導致死亡案,引起大陸社會震驚。事後,民調結果顯示,當代中國社會的各個層面,出現了信任危機,這種危機源於一種經濟利益驅動下的社會秩序:這種秩序動搖了許多人的道德底線,扭曲了正常的價值體系。

In Fushan, Guang Dong Province, a little girl named Shou Yua Yua was hit by automobiles and eighteen passersby did not offer any assistance at all. In the end, the girl passed away (due to severe physical damage); the entire incident caused widespread discussions in the Chinese society. According to surveys conducted after the incident, there are crises of trust at different levels in the Chinese society. Such crises stem from a societal order driven by economic profits. This form of societal order has shaken many people’s moral values and distorted the normal value systems.

5. 泰國遭逢嚴重水患,總理下令泰國教育部為受災學生開設補習班,目前教育部在13府設立9所受災協助中心,並在63府設立104所避難中心,可以容納13萬人。未來教育部將討論如何在避難中心為受難學生開設補習班。 至於2011學年第二學期開學時間是否需要延期,將由各校校長決定。

With its land besieged by flood, Thailand’s Ministry of Education will initiate cram school services for the Thai students. This is under the Prime Minister’s instruction. Currently, the Ministry of Education has established 9 disaster relief centers in 13 districts and 104 shelters in 63 districts, which in total can shelter 130,000 residents. In the future, the Ministry of Education will discuss about how to open cram schools in these shelters. The school principals will decide whether the schools should begin on time or not in the second semester of school year 2011.

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